JSTOR Labs at Code4Lib

Twice weekly, the dozen-or-so folks that work here at JSTOR Labs get together for a fifteen minute check in. We go around the (virtual) room, everyone sharing what they're working on. It's a whirlwind tour with an active and laugh-out-loud side-chat. It's also a regular reminder both of how lucky I am to work with such talented, mission-driven individuals, and of the tremendous and diverse scope of activities we're currently engaged in. Which brings me to Code4Lib.
This week, Code4Lib meets in Princeton, NJ, and Labs has four (4!) separate sessions. The scope and depth of topics we're presenting on reminds me of our daily check-ins: it's both head-spinning and humbling, ranging from our text analysis platform a new open source framework for essay-creation, from tech to support library access in prison to an inquiry into removal of bias in algorithms.
If you're there in Princeton this week, congratulations and I hope you'll join as many of these sesssions as you can. If you're not, keep an eye on https://www.youtube.com/c/Code4Lib for livestream and recorded talks.
Here are the workshops and talks to keep an eye out for:
Text Analysis & Constellate: the Technology and the Lab. Amy Kirchhoff and Matt Lincoln from the Constellate team lead a 3-hour workshop of our text analysis platform. Tuesday, March 14 9am-12pm.
Creating Visual Essays with Juncture. Ron Snyder and Julia Ha from the Labs team lead a 3-hour workshop of Juncture, a new open source package for creating engaging, multimedia, multidisciplinary, linked-open-data-aware essays. Tuesday, March 14 9am-12pm.
Breaking into Prison: Bringing Library Resources to Incarcerated Learners. Ryan McCarthy, lead engineer on the JSTOR Access in Prison Initiative, introduces the technologies we've implemented to make library resources available to a quarter-million incarcerated learners. Thursday, March 16 9:15am
{key: value} : algorithmic debiasing in practice. Andromeda Yelton, senior engineer on the Labs team, describes the practical decisions she's made when seeking to remove bias in programming. Thursday, March 16 11:10am
Please join us at as many of these sessions as you can, be in in person or virtually! I hope the conference social media will be as lively, supportive and laugh-out-loud funny as the side-chat in Labs' twice-weekly check-ins.